Music Intent Statement

Our intentions in the teaching of music follow those set out in the National Curriculum and will enable children to:

  1. PERFORMANCE (singing and instruments)

Play and perform in solo and ensemble contexts (singing and instruments) with increasing accuracy and expression – having the opportunity to move to the next level of musical development excellence.

  1. SCHEME OF WORK (develop musical knowledge through a broad curriculum)

Listen, sing, improvise, compose and understand musical notation and the elements of music.  Be aware of and evaluate the styles, genres, traditions and history of music, including the works of the great composers and musicians


Access to and active participation in musical opportunities and experiences:

  • Music Service – Wider opps program
  • Visiting band/orchestra
  • Working with outside agencies eg. African Drumming, Young Voices
  • Regular singing assemblies

Our Curriculum Overviews:

Overall Curriculum Overview 2022-2023: