All school policies can be printed at no additional cost. Please contact Ms Hye, our receptionist if you require a document.
Thames View Junior School is a three form entry school offering 480 full time places for pupils within the age range of 7 to 11 years. Our school is a happy and harmonious place to learn and grow. We are situated at the heart of the local community, in the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham. Our ethos, values and our broad and balanced curriculum ensure that our children are challenged, supported, nurtured and included. We work hard to ensure that we enable our children to become independent, motivated, confident individuals who aim to be the best they can be. Through our curriculum and wide range of enrichment activities we aim to provide our children with a well-rounded school experience which is exciting and enjoyable.
School Offer for Children with Special Educational Needs or/and Disability (SEN/D)
We at Thames View Junior School are also fully aware that there are children who would require supportive education over a short period of time, or for a much longer, sustained period to improve their learning. The decision to provide this support is made by the school and is based on a variety of factors which includes academic progress, and/or assessments conducted by both teaching staff and professionals and more importantly, in consultation with the parents and/or carers.
When teachers have identified your child as having not made the required progress in the Pupil Progress Meetings, a meeting will be set with you to gather more information.
We will:
• Listen to your concerns,
• Plan any form of additional support that will help your child,
• If referrals have to be made for external support; your permission will be asked
• The school will need you to complete a Common Assessment Framework (CAF) to get all stakeholders to work with common objectives in mind.
Read our SEN Policy Documents
- SEN Policy
Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy - Accessibility Plan
- SENd Offer
- Equality Plan