Rights Respecting Articles

Thames View Junior School is dedicated to promoting a culture of respect and understanding for human rights among its students. As part of its Rights Respecting School approach, the school focuses on a different article of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) each term, with each year group focusing on a different article related to their topic.
Here are videos of students from different year groups speaking about the rights respecting article assigned to them.
Year 3


Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Articles 22, 10 and 25

Article 31

Article 23

Article 39

Article 2

Article 13

Article 42

Article 5

Article 29

Article 34

Article 36

Article 9

Article 18

Article 19

Article 14

Please click on the link HERE to see our full playlist of videos including ones not shown above or play the video below to begin the playlist.