The Lunch Menu
Special Theme Days:
September ’24 Menu (Autumn/Winter menu)
Aspens is the catering company we use to provide and book our lunch service.
Is your child entitled to Free School Meals? click here to find out more.
How To Book
When your child starts at Thames View Junior, you will receive a letter with our school code and your child’s individual code (example)
You would then need to create an account using this link. Once created you will be asked to link your account to your child’s menu by inputting the school and child’s individual codes. Please note: you can have more then one parent account linked to each child account and more then one child linked to a parent account.
This is would be where you book meals for your child, if you would like them to have school meals. We require meals to be booked in before 9am on the day you wish them to have the school meal, this can be done daily, weekly or even monthly, whatever works best for you and your family.
Recipes From Aspens
Free School Meals
If you feel you may be entitled to Free School Meals then please fill out the form linked below.
Should you require the application form printed please ask the school office.